Occurrence of problems in any business have impact on the financial conditions of a company. Therefore every Pharmaceutical Industry is focusing on troubleshooting problems, identifying and preventing them. This not only have significant impact on improvement of the industry but also provide customer satisfaction. As per FDA and ISO it is evident to document the details of each and every incident during the manufacturing of a product which provides historical data that is essential for the continuous quality improvement plan and meeting the regulatory requirements. Many fundamental tools has been established, Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) being one of them is utilized in every quality system.
The main aim of implementing this tool is to provide a step by step analysis of a problem, well documenting the investigation and finding a solution that will satisfy the regulatory requirements and also form a basis for an effective continuous improvement plan. Corrective and Preventive Action both have almost similar stages however there is slight difference in both the aspects which is vital to be known before performing and documenting each. Corrective action is taken to eliminate the cause of a detected non- conformity and to prevent it’s re occurrence. Through it the non-conformity is tackled, corrected and controlled in such a way that it does to happen again. Preventive action is to prevent the occurrence of non-conformity beforehand by providing adequate monitoring and control that restrain the non-conformity to happen. Through this the effective quality system is developed in such a way that it anticipates, identify and eliminated the problems.